Barbican, London 2023, Ballet Black: Pioneers
Date: 08 Mar 2023 - 12 Mar 2023
Time: 7:45 pm
Location: Barbican Centre
Now in their 21st year, this acclaimed ballet company presents award-winning choreographers Will Tuckett and Mthuthuzeli November in a captivating double bill of new and original work.
Following regular sold-out runs, Cassa Pancho’s Ballet Black returns to our stage with this thrilling and imaginative double bill. Will Tuckett’s Then Or Now, originally created in 2020, blends classical ballet, music and the poetry of Adrienne Rich to ask the question: in times like these, where do we belong?
Mthuthuzeli November’s By Whatever Means, is a love letter to musician, performer and activist, Nina Simone that combines ballet, jazz and the blues in a moving and inspiring piece of dance theatre.
Ballet Black is transforming the dance landscape by giving a platform to artists of Black and Asian descent as well as to new and established choreographic voices whose unexpected stories and themes come from the heart to resonate with modern audiences.
Running time: 90 minutes, including a 20 minute interval
Age guidance: 7+
Post-show talk, Fri 10 Mar
Free to same-day ticket holders